Advice & Expertise Blog

Money Saving Tips

  1. Wait to Buy Until You Have a Coupon

    Wait to Buy Until You Have a Coupon

    Don’t pay full price. Wait to buy something until you have a coupon. Impulse purchases are tempting, but waiting for a coupon before you buy something can lead to big savings in the long run. CreditSoup breaks it down for you.

  2. 4 Bank Alerts Worth Activating

    4 Bank Alerts Worth Activating

    Setting up bank alerts helps you avoid unnecessary fees, spot any fraudulent activity, and maintain a healthy financial routine. CreditSoup's Wise Spend Wednesday discusses the importance of setting up bank alerts.

  3. 5 Things to Rent Instead of Buying

    5 Things to Rent Instead of Buying

    Enjoy the benefits of using high-end items without the cost of ownership. CreditSoup's Frugal Friday encourages you to explore renting instead of buying to save money and storage space!

  4. Why You Should Let a Student Cut Your Hair

    Why You Should Let a Student Cut Your Hair

    Save up to 70% or more on your haircut buy utilizing a local cosmetology school. That's right — if you're on a tight budget, but need a trim, let a student cut your hair for our Thrifty Thursday tip! CreditSoup offers up the details.

  5. Transform Old Décor

    Transform Old Décor

    Transforming old home décor is a fun and rewarding way to personalize your space. CreditSoup urges you to channel your inner interior designer, grab some supplies, and get ready to breathe new life into your home décor – all on a Thrifty Thursday budget!

  6. Pay Bills On-Time With AutoPay

    Pay Bills On-Time With AutoPay

    Not only will this help you build your credit, it will help you prioritize paying bills and give you a better grasp on what you have left to spend for the month. CreditSoup's Wise Spend Wednesday tip is to Use AutoPay.

  7. Negotiate Your Bills

    Negotiate Your Bills

    Believe it or not, many bills aren't set in stone. With a little research and some polite persistence, you can shave money off your monthly expenses. CreditSoup explains how!

  8. Discover Your Lucky Pot of Savings!

    Discover Your Lucky Pot of Savings!

    St. Patrick's Day is about celebrating Irish culture and having fun. By planning ahead and getting creative, you can enjoy the holiday without pinching your pennies green. CreditSoup has the details.

  9. 5 Simple Tips to Budget For Tax Season

    5 Simple Tips to Budget For Tax Season

    CreditSoup's Wise Spend Wednesday has 5 simple tips to budget like a pro, this tax season. Learn expert tips to budget effectively for tax season, minimize tax liability and stay financially organized year-round.

  10. Set Financial Goals & Keep Them

    Set Financial Goals & Keep Them

    CreditSoup's Wise Spend Wednesday offers up 3 ways to set your financial goals and keep them! Let's explore some practical tips and insights to kickstart your financial success.

  11. Watch Your Credit Score

    Watch Your Credit Score

    It's Frugal Friday and as the holiday shopping frenzy winds down, it's crucial to be mindful of the potential impact on your credit score. Holiday spending and how you repay it, can have a big impact on your credit score.

  12. The Power of Documenting Your Expenses

    The Power of Documenting Your Expenses

    Keep a detailed record of your expenses to stay within your budget, allowing you to enjoy your destination holiday without the lingering worry of potential credit score impacts. CreditSoup breaks it down.

  13. Use Shopping Apps

    Use Shopping Apps

    These apps redefine the way you shop for household essentials, ensuring your money goes further. CreditSoup explores a selection of top frugal home shopping apps that promise not only savings but also a smarter approach to your purchases.

  14. Thrifty Tips for Maximizing Free Shipping

    Thrifty Tips for Maximizing Free Shipping

    One often-overlooked gem that can significantly impact your overall cost when shopping online is the magic phrase: Free Shipping. CreditSoup's Thrifty Thursday tip this week talks about looking for retailers that offer free shipping to cut down on costs.

  15. Wise Spend Tip: Pay Off Credit Cards Monthly

    Wise Spend Tip: Pay Off Credit Cards Monthly

    To truly maximize the benefits of credit cards, it's essential to develop a responsible payment habit – paying off your credit card monthly. In this week's Wise Spend Wednesday, let's explore the reasons why this practice can lead to financial freedom.

  16. Turning On Your Ceiling Fan Saves Money

    Turning On Your Ceiling Fan Saves Money

    When used effectively, turning your ceiling fan on throughout the day is a frugal savings. Not only does it save on energy costs, it also improves the lifespan of your heater & air conditioning units.

  17. Shop Direct With Manufacturers

    Shop Direct With Manufacturers

    This Thrifty Thursday from CreditSoup urges you to consider bypassing the retailers and shopping directly with manufacturers. It's a savvy move to boost your savings and make the most of your credit card's benefits.

  18. The Secret to Stress-Free Shopping and Savings

    The Secret to Stress-Free Shopping and Savings

    CreditSoup explores the advantages of planning your holiday budget well in advance, along with smart shopping tips and the potential for saving money through credit card rewards. Learn the secret to a stress-free holiday shopping season!

  19. Create a No-Spend Holiday

    Create a No-Spend Holiday

    Choosing one or two days out of the month to not spend a dime can make a significant impact on your budget. No-Spend Days are a simple but effective way to improve your savings and build financial discipline. You'll not only see a positive impact on your budget but also gain a deeper appreciation for the value of money.

  20. 10 Ways to Save Money

    10 Ways to Save Money

    October 12th is National Savings Day and it’s the perfect time to get your financial life in order. If you’re looking to boost your savings or pay down debt, it’s important to take action and come up with a plan so you can meet your goals.

  21. Fall Decor Without The Price Tag

    Fall Decor Without The Price Tag

    Create your fall decor without the hefty price tag. From shopping your local Dollar Tree, to repurposing items found in your yard, DIY-ing your fall decor is a wise spend. CreditSoup has some options!

  22. Preserve Your Own Food

    Preserve Your Own Food

    There's just something flavorful about home preserved foods. CreditSoup breaks down the cost of canning in this week's edition of Frugal Friday.

  23. Join A Loyalty Program

    Join A Loyalty Program

    Everyone loves a good deal. Joining a loyalty program is a thrifty decision that offers a plethora of benefits. CreditSoup gives you a little insight on how they work.

  24. Shop Post-Holidays

    Shop Post-Holidays

    If you're looking to be thrifty this year, and the budget might be tight, consider purchasing such items either right after the holiday or out of season. CreditSoup has several ways this is a good idea.

  25. Go Meatless For A Day

    Go Meatless For A Day

    CreditSoup's bit of frugality this week just happens to be a HUGE money saver. The cost of meat, in general, is on the rise. Consider preparing a meatless meal one day out of the week. Here are 10 ways to save on meals!

  26. Christmas In July - Budget All Year Long!

    Christmas In July - Budget All Year Long!

    Yes, it's July. And yes, we're already thinking about Christmas! CreditSoup's Wise Spend Wednesday this week talks about saving money all year long for that holiday spending. It's hard enough paying bills around the holidays, only to add on the cost of meals, travel & gifts.

  27. The Ultimate Frugal Tip: Save Loose Change

    The Ultimate Frugal Tip: Save Loose Change

    The ultimate way to remain frugal and SAVE money, is to penny pinch and save every last bit of loose change. Saving loose change is a great way to build up savings over time! CreditSoup has 15 Creative Ways to Save Change.

  28. Ditch the Manicures and Pedicures

    Ditch the Manicures and Pedicures

    Having polished nails is always a nice feeling. But the price doesn't always give you a nice warm feeling. CreditSoup's Thrifty Thursday tip this week talks about ditching the mani - pedi's. Do them yourself, at home!

  29. Spend Wisely - Buy A Car You Can Afford

    Spend Wisely - Buy A Car You Can Afford

    We know the fancy car with all the bells & whistles is nice to have. However, when you take a quick peek at your bank account, that idea may differ. Wise Spend Wednesday this week talks about buying an affordable car.

  30. Make Gifts Instead of Buying Them

    Make Gifts Instead of Buying Them

    Money's tight. I get it. However, it's birthday & wedding season. Why not make gifts instead of buying them? This week's Frugal Friday touches on gift giving and how to save money doing so.

  31. Wise Spend Tip: Shop Around For Insurance

    Wise Spend Tip: Shop Around For Insurance

    Shopping around for insurance should be done periodically to get the best deals on premiums. Don't be afraid to explore other options. Our Wise Spend Wednesday discusses the importance of purchasing insurance, and why it doesn't hurt to shop around. Here are 4 key point as to why you should.

  32. Look For Low Cost Activities

    Look For Low Cost Activities

    Thrifty Thursday's tip discusses looking for low cost activities! School is out for the season & the kids will be home all summer. If you are on a tight budget, what a better way to save money and keep those kiddos occupied & off the electronics, than by searching for low cost activities!

  33. Bring Your Lunch

    Bring Your Lunch

    Bringing your lunch can save you on average $10-$20 per day. Even just bringing your lunch for ONE DAY out of the week can add up to around $80/month or more! Here are a few tips to help you plan!

  34. Use What's In Your Pantry

    Use What's In Your Pantry

    CreditSoup's weekly Wise Spend Wednesday tip this week involves using what's in your pantry. Why waste money buying more random things when you haven't used up the things still sitting in your pantry or cupboards. We have solutions for that problem!

  35. Be Frugal & Drink Water Instead

    Be Frugal & Drink Water Instead

    The average U.S. household spends an estimated $850 annually on soft drinks, for a total of $65 billion on soft drinks alone. Imagine the cost savings you would save by choosing to drink water instead! This week we talk about drinking water instead.

  36. Stick To a Budget

    Stick To a Budget

    This can be a tough task for some, but if you want to spend wisely, you must remain diligent about sticking to a budget! This week we go over how to stick to a budget. Having a budget keeps your spending in check and makes sure that your savings are on track for the future.

  37. Buy Clothes at End of Season

    Buy Clothes at End of Season

    If your size doesn't change much, stocking up on clothes at the end of the season is a great way to save money, and have a good supply of new clothes for next year. Thrifty Thursday talks about diving into those deep discounts of shopping for new clothes!

  38. Save Money: Repair Your Own Clothing

    Save Money: Repair Your Own Clothing

    Have you seen the price of clothing lately? The average American throws away 81 pounds of clothes each year, with nearly 95% of which can be reused or recycled. With inflation on most things right now at an all-time high, Frugal Friday discusses how to save money and repair your own clothing.

  39. Remove Shopping Apps

    Remove Shopping Apps

    You know those apps on your phone that you're urged to download in the department stores at the checkout to "save" you money? CreditSoup suggests uninstalling them for a while, while you're digging yourself out of debt.

  40. Check Your Credit Report

    Check Your Credit Report

    Spending wisely heavily revolves around your credit report. Why, you may ask? When you have a poor report - or a poor credit score for that matter - it makes it really hard to buy anything of importance, such as a car or even a house.

  41. Fight Temptation - Unsubscribe From Store Emails

    Fight Temptation - Unsubscribe From Store Emails

    It's Thrifty Thursday & we are discussing Unsubscribing from Store Emails. You know exactly what I'm talking about. You go shopping & provide your email. Next thing you know, you're signed up for their daily deals, and your inbox is FLOODED with offers that you have to respond to by THAT DAY or you'll miss out.

  42. Wise Spend Tip: Consolidate Debt

    Wise Spend Tip: Consolidate Debt

    With Tax Season here, now is a great time to look at paying down some debt. Wednesday's we tend to focus on where to spend out money wisely. However, sometimes we need to focus on reducing that debt, to allow our credit to build back up. Let's dive into the topic of Debt Consolidation.

  43. Cancel Your Gym Membership

    Cancel Your Gym Membership

    Let's be honest. It's now almost March. Your New Years Resolution has probably faded and now you're stuck paying for something that you'll probably not use for the rest of the year - a gym membership. CreditSoup's Frugal Friday this week dives into the cost of a gym membership and whether or not to get rid of it.

  44. Be Thrifty - Stop Window Shopping

    Be Thrifty - Stop Window Shopping

    Our Thrifty Thursday this week talks about everyone's guilty pleasure - Window Shopping. The best way to save money is to not entertain that notion at all. Simply, Stop Window Shopping! We're going to touch on 3 of the biggest areas to avoid while shopping.

  45. Pay With Cash

    Pay With Cash

    Paying for things with cash definitely has it's perks. It's a handy way to monitor how much you have & don't have to spend. However, there are people out there that struggle at saving cash or don't use it responsibly. CreditSoup's Wise Spend Wednesday touches on the good & bad of paying with cash.

  46. Frugal Hack: Adjust Your Thermostat

    Frugal Hack: Adjust Your Thermostat

    This week's Frugal Friday tends to be a daily struggle for some households. How warm or cold to keep the house. Keeping your home a few degrees cooler in the winter or even a few degrees warmer in the summer helps your heating & cooling systems from being overworked. This in turn, saves you more money on energy costs each month!

  47. 11 Gas Apps to Save on Fuel Cost

    11 Gas Apps to Save on Fuel Cost

    This week's Thrifty Thursday covers the cost savings of using a fuel saver or gas app on your phone. Whether it be a specific fuel saver, rewards credit card, or even an app on your phone, using some sort of application to save money on your daily commute definitely has its benefits. CreditSoup breaks it down for you here in our weekly Thrifty Thursday tip on saving money.

  48. 4 Ways to Pay Down Debt

    4 Ways to Pay Down Debt

    I'm sure you're probably overwhelmed by now and wondering "where do I even start?" to get rid of that credit card debt. Fortunately, CreditSoup has 4 ways to begin paying down that debt.

  49. Frugal Friday Suggests Working From Home

    Frugal Friday Suggests Working From Home

    Frugal Friday this week is a tip that we all can agree on. And, thanks in part to the pandemic, made us realize how much we actually do save by working from home! The following three items factor into the cost involved in your weekly work commute.

  50. Wash Your Car Yourself

    Wash Your Car Yourself

    Thrifty Thursday this week talks about washing your car yourself. Experts suggest washing your car every two weeks and getting a detail twice a year to make sure it stays in good condition. CreditSoup offers some tips to help keep your vehicle in pristine condition!

  51. Stash Away Cash

    Stash Away Cash

    This week's bit of frugality focuses on a hard concept for some, or a "no-brainer" for others. Saving money! There's no better time to start than right now. Get in the habit of stashing away a few bucks each week!

  52. 8 Apps to Track Your Bills

    8 Apps to Track Your Bills

    Remember when you had to mail bill payments to your utilities, mortgage and credit card companies? Fortunately, consumers these days have plenty of options, including scheduling or paying bills online or using apps and software to streamline the process.

  53. Adjust Your Window Coverings

    Adjust Your Window Coverings

    Do you ever wonder why your parents would close the curtains or blinds when you weren't home? They did it to conserve energy of course! This week's bit of frugality comes as a slight household "chore."

  54. Meal Plan

    Meal Plan

    Is it a constant struggle to decide what's for dinner? Our Thrifty Thursday tip this week is to Meal Plan. Planning out a week's worth of meals is an excellent way to save not only time, but money spent on groceries!

  55. Set Up Auto Payments

    Set Up Auto Payments

    Did you know that just ONE missed payment can reflect on your credit report and could drop your score up to 110 points? Wise Spend Wednesday this week is to make sure and set up auto payments on those regular monthly payments!

  56. Line-dry Your Laundry

    Line-dry Your Laundry

    The days of owning a clothes line are almost long gone. However, if you're looking for a frugal way to save money - and energy - consider hanging your laundry on the line to dry!

  57. Upcycle Your Closet

    Upcycle Your Closet

    This week's Thrifty Thursday saves you money by upcycling your own closet! Don't throw out those old clothes. Patch it, dye it, cut it, or give it to the dog! Considering the cost of clothes now days, whatever you choose to do with it will certainly help you save a TON of money in the long run!

  58. Repurposing Home Decor

    Repurposing Home Decor

    Are you eager to give your home a new look, but don't know what to do with your existing decor? Our Thrifty Thursday this week encourages you not to toss them out, but repurpose your home decor! Look for ways to upcycle them instead of throwing them out to buy new.

  59. Start a Savings Account

    Start a Savings Account

    Wise Spend Wednesday is all about spending. However, you still need money to spend, right? Starting a Savings Account will allow you to be prepared to spend wisely on various things, such as needs or fun stuff!

  60. Make Your Own Coffee

    Make Your Own Coffee

    This week's Frugal Friday is a great one! Make your OWN Coffee! Why spend money & time in the drive thru, when you can bring it from home.

  61. Downsize & Declutter

    Downsize & Declutter

    Is your home cluttered? Do you have a lot of stuff... everywhere, that you no longer need? Maybe it's time to go Marie Kondo on it, and set it free if it does not bring you joy. But now what do you do with those things that do not bring you joy? Get rid of them of course! This week's Thrifty Thursday focuses on downsizing and decluttering.

  62. Top 10 Items To Buy In Bulk

    Top 10 Items To Buy In Bulk

    Stock up to avoid making numerous trips to the store. If you purchase things in larger quantities, they come at a lower price per ounce, so save money & buy in bulk!

  63. Unplug Chargers When Not Using

    Unplug Chargers When Not Using

    This week's #FrugalFriday is about as frugal as you can get. And, in true penny pinching "dad style," you can certainly hear him now - "Unplug those chargers if you're not using them!" The reason we mention that it's incredibly frugal, is that chargers alone don't actually use as much energy as one might think.

  64. Check Out Books from the Library

    Check Out Books from the Library

    Are you a bookworm? Do you like to have that tangible, physical book in your hand, rather than the digital copy? Books take up a lot of space and can become an expensive addiction over the years. Consider checking books out at a library instead!

  65. Open A Free Bank Account

    Open A Free Bank Account

    Banks often charge monthly fees just to maintain your checking account. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to sign up for a free checking account that can save you a few bucks! CreditSoup lists 7 banks that offer such.

  66. Travel In Off-Peak Seasons

    Travel In Off-Peak Seasons

    Traveling during "off-peak seasons" is an opportunity to travel or vacation outside of the normal times of year that most people would visit a particular area. And, is an excellent way to remain thrifty and save some cash!

  67. Buy Used

    Buy Used

    Why spend hundreds of dollars on name brand clothes, shoes, and toys when they will grow out of it almost as soon as you purchase it? Save money now. Put that extra money you may have spent on high dollar items in a savings account for when they get older. Or, use that money and take them on a fun vacation or trip!

  68. Freeze Any Leftovers

    Freeze Any Leftovers

    This week's #FrugalFriday focuses on leftovers! Did you make too much of a meal, or not feed as many as you originally thought? Be frugal and freeze it!

  69. Cancel Subscriptions

    Cancel Subscriptions

    Do you have subscriptions that you don't really need? Consider cancelling them! Use that money to pay down your credit card debt or make extra car or house payments!

  70. 16 Ways to Reuse Plastic Bags

    16 Ways to Reuse Plastic Bags

    We're sure that if your parents were anything like ours, you most definitely know the value of a plastic grocery bag. This week's Frugal Friday talks about reusing plastic bags!

  71. Do All Your Errands in One Day

    Do All Your Errands in One Day

    CreditSoup's Thrifty Thursday tip this week is to save money by running all of your errands in one day. Not only will this alleviate extra trips to the store, you'll be saving gas money and preventing those impulse buys from extra trips! Schedule a day, map it out, and utilize online services.

  72. Work a Part Time Job

    Work a Part Time Job

    Do you like to spend money, yet lack the funds? Consider working a part time job or developing a side income and stash some of that extra cash in a savings account!

  73. Stop Using Paper Towels

    Stop Using Paper Towels

    CreditSoup's #FrugalFriday: Using hand towels & dish rags instead of throw-away, single use paper towels is not only good for the bank account, it's also great for the environment! Depending on the brand you prefer, that's an average SAVINGS of $10-$30/mo or up to $300/year!

  74. Walk or Ride A Bike If Possible

    Walk or Ride A Bike If Possible

    Today's Thrifty Thursday is more useful than ever, given the state of fuel prices! Weather is warming up, and if you live close enough to work, consider walking or riding bike.

  75. Shop Generic or Clearance

    Shop Generic or Clearance

    Why waste money on full price, brand name items that maybe get a few uses out of? Buying generic products or finding things on clearance are sometimes just as good as purchasing the same name brand thing at full price.

Editorial Disclaimer: Information in these articles is brought to you by CreditSoup. Banks, issuers, and credit card companies mentioned in the articles do not endorse or guarantee, and are not responsible for, the contents of the articles. The information is accurate to the best of our knowledge when posted; however, all credit card information is presented without warranty. Please check the issuer’s website for the most current information.

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CreditSoup is an independent, advertising-supported comparison service. The offers that appear on this site are from companies from which CreditSoup receives compensation. This compensation may impact how and where products appear on this site (including, for example, the order in which they appear). CreditSoup does not include all companies or all offers available in the marketplace. CreditSoup may use other proprietary factors to impact offer listings on the website such as consumer selection or the likelihood of the applicant’s credit approval.

Editor’s Rating

Our editors review each credit card and provide our ratings based on the features the credit card offers consumers including the fees, interest rates, benefits, rewards, and how it compares to other credit cards in its category. Card ratings may vary by category as the same card may receive a different rating based on that category. may be compensated by companies mentioned on our site when a consumer’s application is accepted or approved by the company.